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    Force Orbs


    Force Orbs


    Force Orbs give you the ability to upgrade your Attack Power for a limited period of time

    • Meet Force Master in Ricarten Town, Phillai Town or Eura Village (90) and put your sheltom in the window, click on the mixing button and receive your force orb, when you do that, it will return as a force and cannot be used as a sheltom anymore.

    • When using your force orb you'll see an added animation when hitting monsters.

    • You can't use two forces at once. If you have a Force active and uses a new one then the old vanishes.

    Force Orbs which can be found in-game:

      Sheltom Force Name Level Req. Add ATK Power (MIN-MAX) Add WP Damage Add ATK Power Time (Seconds)
    4_lucidy.gif Lucidy Lucidy Force 1-19 +2 10 10% 500
    4_sereneo.gif Sereneo Sereneo Force 1-29 +4 20 10% 500
    4_fadeo.gif Fadeo Fadeo Force 1-39 +7 30 10% 500
    4_sparky.gif Sparky Sparky Force 1-49 +10 40 10% 500
    4_raident.gif Raident Raident Force 50+ +15 50 10% 700
    4_transparo.gif Transparo Transparo Force 50+ +25 60 10% 900
    4_murky.gif Murky Murky Force 50+ +40 70 10% 1800
    4_devine.gif Devine Devine Force 50+ +60 80 10% 2400
    4_celesto.gif Celesto Celesto Force 50+ +80 90 10% 3600
    4_mirage.gif Mirage Mirage Force 50+ +100 100 10% 4800
    4_inferna.gif Inferna Inferna Force 50+ +120 120 10% 6000
    4_enigma.gif Enigma Enigma Force 50+ +140 140 10% 7200
    4_bellum.gif Bellum Bellum Force 50+ +160 160 10% 8400
    4_oredo.gif Oredo Oredo Force 50+ +180 180 10% 10000
    4_sapphire.gif Sapphire Sapphire Force 50+ +200 200 10% 12000
    4_sol.gif Sol Sol Force 50+ +220 220 10% 14400
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