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    Game Formulas

    Formula List
    A list of all applied formula's in-game

    Last updated: 28 aug 2020

    Damage Formula

    • Base Damage without weapon = 1-2
    • Base Damage with weapon = 1-3
    • Every 130 agility (add 130 extra agility) = 100% weapon damage boost (Archer/Atalanta wearing Bow/Javelin)
    • Every 190 agility (add 190 extra agility) = 100% weapons damage boost (other classes wearing range weapons)
    • Every 130 strength (add 130 extra strength) = 100% weapon damage boost (Fighter/Pikeman/Assassin/Knight/Brawler wearing melee weapons )
    • Every 150 strength (add 150 extra strength) = 100% weapon damage boost (Mechanician/Atalanta wearing melee weapons)
    • Every 190 strength (add 190 extra strength) = 100% weapon damage boost (Archer/Priestess/Magician/Shaman wearing melee weapons)
    • Every 150 spirit (add 150 extra spirit) = 100% weapon damage boost (Magician/Shaman wearing Staff/Wand)
    • Every 170 spirit (add 170 extra spirit) = 100% weapon damage boost (Priestess wearing Staff/Wand)
    • If Fighter/Pikeman/Assassin/Knight/Brawler and not wearing a weapon:
      • +1 damage
      • every 130 str = +1 damage
      • every 40 of (talent+agility) = +1 min damage
      • every 35 of (talent+agility) = +1 max damage
    • If other class and not wearing a weapon:
      • +1 damage
      • every 200 str = +1 damage
      • every 50 of (talent+agility) = +1 min damage
      • every 45 of (talent+agility) = +1 max damage
    • If Fighter/Pikeman/Assassin/Knight/Brawler and wearing melee weapon:
      • every 40 (talent+agility) = +1 damage
    • If Mechanician/Atalanta and wearing melee weapon:
      • every 45 (talent+agility) = +1 damage
    • If Archer/Priestess/Magician/Shaman and wearing melee weapon:
      • every 50 (talent+agility) = +1 damage
    • If Archer/Atalanta and wearing range weapon (Bow/Javalin):
      • every 40 (talent+strength) = +1 damage
    • If other class and wearing range weapon (Bow/Javelin):
      • every 50 (talent+strength) = +1 damage
    • If Magician/Shaman/Priestess and wearing Staff/Wand:
      • every 30 talent = +1 damage
    • Additional Damage = 1-1


    WEAPON = 100% of damage of weapon

    • Bonus. (attack power displayed in yellow) = (if : Mechanician uses a Mechanician-specced Weapon - Atalanta uses a Javelin - Knight use a Sword - Pikeman use a Scythe - Fighter uses an Axe - Priestess or Magician uses a Wand/Staff - Archer uses a Bow - Assassin uses two Daggers - Shaman uses a Phantom - Brawler uses a Fist) => (then : add lvl/6 damage to min&max)
    • Spec. weapon lvl/x => +0min +(lvl/x) max
    • (min weapon + max weapon)/16 => add to your min damage


    Critical Damage Boost Formula


    • All Classes
      • 70%


    • All Classes
      • 70%


    Absorb Formula

    All classes

    • For each item with abs equipped you get +0.5 abs extra on top of the abs of that item
    • 100 def = 1 abs
    • 40 strength = 1 abs
    • 40 spirit = 1 abs
    • 40 talent = 1 abs (and 40 talent = 10def = +0.1 abs) = 1.1 abs
    • 40 agility = 0 abs (and 40 agility = 40def = +0.4 abs) = 0.4 abs
    • 40 health = 1 abs
    • 10 lvl = 1 abs (and 10 lvl = 14def = +0.14 abs) = 1.14 abs
    • 1 abs point extra = 1 abs


    Note: If you have 7.124 abs you will get 7 abs
    Note: The final received damage is subtracted with your abs

    Attack Rating Formula

    All classes

    • (LV * 2.6) + (STR * 0.8) + (SPI * 0.8) + (TAL * 1.2) + (AGI * 1.9)


    Defense Rating Formula

    All classes

    • (LV * 1.0) + (STR * 0.3) + (SPI * 0.3) + (TAL * 1.2) + (AGI * 0.4)


    Running Speed Formula

    All classes

    • 0.4 + health/200 + talent/100 + level/200 + boots speed - (current weight / limit weight (so full weight = -1))
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 51


    Health Points (HP) Formula

    Fighter, Mechanician

    • ( LV * 2.1 ) + ( STR * 0.8 ) + ( HEA * 2.4 )

    Pikeman, Knight, Atalanta

    • ( LV * 2.1 ) + ( STR * 0.6 ) + ( HEA * 2.2 )


    • ( LV * 1.8 ) + ( STR * 0.4 ) + ( HEA* 2.6 )


    • ( LV * 2.8 ) + ( HEA * 2.8 )


    • ( LV * 1.8 ) + ( STR * 2.0 )



    • ( LV * 2.1 ) + ( STR * 0.7 ) + ( HEA * 2.1 )


    • ( LV * 2.1 ) + ( STR * 0.6 ) + ( HEA * 1.8 )



    • ( LV * 1.9 ) + ( STR * 0.8 ) + ( TAL* 0.1 ) + ( HEA * 2.6 )


    Mana Points (MP) Formula

    Fighter, Pikeman, Archer, Assassin, Brawler

    • ( LV * 0.6 ) + ( SPI * 2.2 )

    Mechanician, Knight, Atalanta

    • ( LV * 0.9 ) + ( SPI * 2.7 )

    Priestess, Magician, Shaman

    • ( LV * 1.5 ) + ( SPI * 3.8 )


    Stamina Points (SP) Formula

    All classes

    • ( LV * 2.3 ) + ( STR * 0.5 ) + ( SPI * 1.0 ) + ( TAL * 0.5 ) + ( HEA * 1.4 ) + 80


    Weight Formula

    All classes

    • (LV * 5.0) + (STR * 1.6) + (SPI * 1.0) + (TAL * 1.0) + (AGI * 1.0) + (HEA * 1.5) + 60
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