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    Supply Shops

    18_ric.png Supply Store, Namy
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Ricarten Town
    18_phil.png Supply Store, Phillya
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Phillai Town
    18_nav.png Supply Store
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Navisko Town
    18_eura.png Supply Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Eura Village (90)
    18_atl.png Supply Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions and every Ether Cores. It is the only shop where you can find Atlantis Ether Cores and Union Cores. 

    Found in :
    Atlantis Town
    18_btl.png Battle Supplier, Bricia
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, Ether Cores, and Supplies for Battle Arena. 

    Found in :
    Battle Town (105)
    18_f3.png Potion Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Land of Dusk
    18_g3.png Potion Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Acacia Grove
    18_w3.png Potion Store
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Ruinen Village
    18_w4dun.png Dungeon Keeper
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Cursed Land
    18_d3sanct.png Potion Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Battlefield of the Ancients (55)
    18_ds.png Supply Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Sanctuary of Darkness (65)
    18_md3.png Supply Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Mystery Desert 1 (95)
    18_md3ad.png Dungeon Keeper
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Mystery Desert 1 (95)
    18_md3ft.png Sanctuary Keeper
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Mystery Desert 1 (95)
    18_et3.png Supply Shop
    This shop sells all kinds of potions

    Found in :
    Endless Tower 3 (124)
    18_ice1.png Supply Store, Flo
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Gallubia Valley (90)
    18_sealspecialistkatrine.png Seal Specialist, Katrine
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores. Besides that, then sell this NPC the Gate Keeper Scroll which is used in Hell's Gate

    Found in :
    Cursed Temple 2 (75)
    18_cleverjoe.png Clever Joe
    Clever Joe offers you Potions, Ether Cores, and Rebirths in exchange for gold. 

    Found in :
    Lost Island (100)
    18_aw.png Jin, the Explorer
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Ancient Weapon (136)
    18_sl.png Supply Shop, Miranda
    This shop sells all kinds of potions, and some Ether Cores

    Found in :
    Secret Laboratory (140)
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