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    18_ric.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Ricarten Town
    18_phil.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Phillai Town
    18_nav.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Navisko Town
    18_eura.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Eura Village (90)
    18_atl.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Atlantis Town
    18_ric.png Warehouse Keeper
    The Warehouse Network allows you to always have your items and money near you. 

    Found in :
    Battle Town (105)
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