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Hey! pm me.. NAME IN GAME: Darkmoul
Anyone have a build MS Spark viable for IC or another map actually. if actually is viable help me too, I need build for my MS 140, I don't have idea.
Sell naked = 4kc Trade for mgs/ms 14x full or nkd (i can give top coins for higher level if u have good offer) Have Helltusk Epic Mount PS Itens: Armor 136+22 PS+ 1.1kc Scythe 138 -1-0 PS+ BSM 250c Hell Gaunt PS+ BSM 400c Boots & Brac 136 PS+ BOM 30c/e 2x VRing 2.9Abs PS+ BOM 320c DGS PS+ BSM 3-4Atkpwr 340c Tulla ps+ BOM 420c Summer PS+ 15c
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