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First of all, i dont know why i cannot post my suggestion into suggestions topic, its grey for me! So ill post it here! Hi, i would like to share my ideas that i have about the Skill Meteorite and other skills revamp to have a better and rewarding scale. Here i will talk with focus into Magician class but some of these ideas can be used as inspiration or adaption for others classes. 1 - Meteorite 1.1 - Meteorite Damage type adjust: First thing that i would like to talk about is the Elemental type, in the Original Priston, the Magician had only 3 fire elemental skills, Fire Bolt, Fire Ball and Flame Wave. These skills were the only ones that Mage had with Fire damage type. Who have played in that time remember that these skills didnt do damage against FIGON, cause he was immune to Fire damage, in other hand, skills like Diatrophism and Meteorite despite have fire effect in the skill(same with AS Phoenix Shot), always hitted FIGON wicht mean these both skills arent Fire elemental damage type. So based on that Dia and Meteor are Physical or Neutral damage type(Like AS Phoenix Shot), not elemental(Fire). Diatrophism is basically an earthquake, their damage is Physical or Neutral in real world. I know i know its Priston world... And for Meteorite if we look in the reality the most part of its damage is from impact(Physical), the meteorite is any large piece of rock/metal that caught FIRE when entered in the atmosphere and then hitted the ground, so Fire is not its main damage, maybe secondary damage. So with everything said above, i can conclude that Meteorite should have Neutral/Physical damage type instead of Fire Elemental damage. Or at least have hybrid damage(Neutral/physical and Fire) BUT for this second option it could be much more difficult to implement. Meteorite is a skill to use as a combo in PVE/PVP this is why it have a high cooldown, and currently for being a Fire element skill, any Fire resistance that enemies have, specially in PVP, the skill become so much punished with its damage being reduced by 90% or more, because there is not only Fire Resistancy affecting it, but all absorption and other defensive status. In the end the better solution to Meteorite is to be only neutral/physical damage(Like Watornado) as it were before. Meteorite should be adjusted/balanced to use as a Combo for PVP and PVE. Its not a skill to be casted frenetically, it have multiple hits and high cooldown, the most iconic magician skill. It should be strong, useful and balanced for PVP. 1.2 - Meteorite Cast Speed: Increase the cast speed of the skill, it is really bad to take to long to cast this skill in fights, doenst matter if is PVP or PVE, is equally bad in both situations. Currently its around 2-2,25 seconds to cast the skill, it could be reduced to 1,5 seconds at least. 1.3 - Visual Clarity, Adjusting the number of hits based on Skill Effect Animation and adjust the damage per hit: Since when priston was launched in almost 20 years ago, Meteor has always the same caracteristics >> It have 3 hits and fall 8 balls from skies. My suggestion here is to make the skill more accurate to the original animation of 8 balls falling. So basically the skill would have 8 hits now, following the numbers of falling balls and have its total damage diluted by 8 instead of 3. NO! its not like Shaman Meteor, the Magician meteor fall 8 balls in +-2,3 seconds. The meteor falling time will stay the same. It will be only a "rapid fire" with 8 balls hitting quickly the enemy. So lets see how it is now and how it could be after: Edit 1: Thanks @- D E A T H S T R O K E - for information, now follow the right match: Currently: Meteorite have 3 hit of 342% damage boost each (at level 10). 342%PerHit *3hit= 1026% total damage New: 8 hits of 129% damage boost each (at level 10). To found the correct damage per hit its easy, only diluted the total damage(1026%) per 8, then you will have 128,25% per hit. We can round up to 129% for better clarity. So the skill will have now 129% damage boost in the description instead of 342%, and now will hit 8 times instead of 3, following the numbers of balls sequentially hinting the ground. The total damage difference: 1026%(before) to 1032%(after). It is equal a +2% buff to currently 342% >> 344%. Edit 2: I needed to correct the number to the right match when the 76%Buff is active, because the buff is an additional damage, so its added in each hit, for exemple in the currently formula, Meteorite do 1326% total damage and with buff(76%) activated a total of 1554%, with my new formula the Meteorite with buff have its damage much higher like: 166% per hit in a total of 1328%(very close to the previous damage) and with buff(76%) active, it become 1936%([166+76]= 242*8= 1936), much higher than it should be. New: 8 hits of 100%base damage/hit + 66% damage boost/hit (at level 10). 166%PerHit*8hit= 1328% total damage To found the correct damage per hit its easy, only diluted the total damage(1326%) per 8, then you will have 165,75% per hit. We can round up to 166% for better clarity. So the skill will have now 66% damage boost in the description instead of 342%, and now will hit 8 times instead of 3, following the numbers of balls sequentially hinting the ground. The total damage difference: 1326%(before) to 1328%(after). The Damage increase is equal a +0,66% buff to currently 342% >> 342,66%. Currently: 198% - 214% - 230% - 246% - 262% - 278% - 294% - 310% - 326% - 342%. (3 Hits) New: 30% - 34% - 38% - 42% - 46% - 50% - 54% - 58% - 62% - 66%. (8 Hits) Edit 2 Currently formula: Meteorite have 3 hit of 100% base damage/hit + 342% damage boost/hit (at level 10). 442%PerHit *3hit= 1326% total damage And with Buff is: 100%base + 342% + 76%(buff)= 518% damage per hit, if we added Weapon enchant: 518*1,1= 569,8% DMG/hit New formula: 8 hits of 50%base damage/hit + 70% damage boost/hit (at level 10). 120%PerHit*8hit= 960% total damage And with Buff: 50%base + 70% + 76%(buff)= 196% damage per hit, if we added Weapon enchant: 196*1,1= 215,6 DMG/hit The 960% total damage is lower than 1326% from currently formula WITHOUT BUFF, but when we added the Spirit Elemental Buff with 76% the 960% total damage goes to 1568%, for comparison the currently formula from 1326% goes to 1554% with Buff(76%). Like i have said before this happens because the Buff is added for each hit, and with 8 hit the damage reach very close to the currently meteor. Then the skill would have now 70% damage boost in the description instead of 342%, and now would hit 8 times instead of 3, following the numbers of balls sequentially hinting the ground. The total damage difference: 1326%(before) to 960%(after). With Buff: 1554%(before) to 1568%(after) Currently: 198% - 214% - 230% - 246% - 262% - 278% - 294% - 310% - 326% - 342%. (3 Hits) New: 25% - 30% - 35% - 40% - 45% - 50% - 55% - 60% - 65% - 70%. (8 Hits) 2 - Mental Mastery Revamp: Some skills like Mental Mastery dont give an interesting/strong reward for spending our precious points on it. This happens in other classes too, but now im talking about Magician. So i was thinking in a way to turn this Passive Skill more interesting to maxed out. Instead of only giving extra mana, it now could give an extra Atacck Power damage based on a percentage of our maxed mana, so with more mana you have, more Attack Power you will receive. Increase permanently your mana 4% - 8% - 12% - 16% - 20% - 24% - 28% - 32% - 36% - 40% (no change) Part of your total mana is added as Attack Power (NEW) 0,15% - 0,3% - 0,45% - 0,6% - 0,75% - 0,9% - 1,05% - 1,2% - 1,35% - 1,5% For exemple, in a low level (80-110) if you have 2000 mana, you will receive a bonus of 30 Min. and 30 Max. Attack Power when MM is lvl 10. (2000*0,015= 30) And in a high level (130-160) with 5000 mana, you will receive 75 Min. and 75 Max Attack Power when MM is lvl 10. (5000*0,015= 75) This change would make this passive skill more interesting to maxed out, and not more an almost useless skill as we have today. 3 - Some buffs for unused skills: The reason of these buffs are simple, the "low level" is considered at level 80-110, in these levels we already have unlocked all skills wicht means that we will define our build, and due to that every skill should be rewarded at lvl 10, because youre spending your precious points to upgrade your skills. This type of change should be very similar in all classes, here im talking about magician, but other classes need some similar update too. 3.1 - Fire Bolt: Damage Scale Before: 7%-14%-21%-28%-35%-42%-49%-56%-63%-70% After: 12%-24%-36%-48%-60%-72%-84%-96%-108%-120% For being a single target skill it should have a high scale at lvl 10, some of you can question why its higher than Death Rays? Well.. we have Elemental Resistances, so this is why its have a higher scale. 3.2 - Fire Ball: Damage Scale Before: 12%-16%-20%-24%-28%-33%-38%-43%-48%-53% After: 12%-22%-32%-42%-52%-62%-72%-82%-%92%-102% The reason again is to have a better scale and about Elemental Resistances that reduce the effectiveness. 3.4 - Diastrophism: Damage Scale Currently Diatrophism have 100% base damage + 20-56% boost damage= 156% total damage per hit. Before: 20%-24%-28%-32%-36%-40%-44%-48%-52%-56% Total of 312% damage in 2 hits. After: 20%-35%-50%-65%-80%-95%-110%-125%-140%-155% Total of 510% damage in 2 hits. (100%base damage +155%damageBoost)*2= 510% This change is made to fight the Stone Spike skill and dont simply send this skill into the void. So you will decide, do you prefer to have 5 hits close to you, 4/3 hit medium range and 2/1 far? Like stone spike? Or do you will preffer to have 2 hit in entire area? Like Diatrophism? You will decide what do you prefer and what fit better in your build. For comparison: Stone Spike have 100%base damage +71%= 171% damage per hit. So it have 855% damage with 5 hits, 684% with 4 hits, 513% with 3 hits, 342% with 2 hits and 171% 1 hit. The new Diatrophism would have 510% total damage with 2 hit in the entire area. Stone Spike still better than Dias because have more hits close to you, only for far distance from the middle close to border, is where Dias can shine. Its a trade, you will decide to have stronger damage when enemies get close to you and less damage on the border or a medium damage for entire area. These are my ideas/suggestions for the change to Meteorite and the revamp of abandoned skills turning them more interesting/competitive to spent our points. We could have others suggestions for others classes in others posts going into the same direction as here, turning all unusable skills viable and better scaling to really force us to decide wicht skill to spent our points and create our own builds.
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Hi! First of all, I would like to explain that I am no longer a Ranger, but anyway, I am sensitive to the situation of these two classes in particular. Yes, I know that we have a lot of "ranger haters" on the server, either because of an ego conflict where they feel offended by dying for a female character, or maybe because they really do not perform well in PvP against these two classes. Unfortunately this happens, but even though I am sure that some will come to give free rage simply because it is about Rangers, I cannot remain silent about what has been happening. That said, let's get to the point. Would you be Ranger today? No? Why? Here is my experience with the class on the server... I love doing two things here, Siege War and Exp. I look for and study every single detail, mainly about Siege War, so that each day I try to improve more. In the "Priston structure" we all know the semi-meta that occurs during Siege War... Rangers have always been HRHR (High Risk, High Reward) characters. But unfortunately the "High Reward" part doesn't happen. The situation of the Rangers today is that, characters with armor and shield dealing much more damage than an pure Archer or Ata, being that these two pure classes die in practically 1 hit for any character up to 15 levels below. Today, playing Ranger is frustrating, even if you love the class. I gave up on Ranger for the moment because I have a relatively good level and items, but still deals less damage than almost all classes, and was by far the most fragile class in the game. I am now in a class considered easier and more basic to play, but at least I perform much better in Siege War. Archer and Ata today are literally a joke. After the constant and heavy nerfs that both classes received, I wouldn't be scared if an Archer or Ata 170 failed to beat a Mech or Knight 153. It is not a nerf request for other classes, it makes no sense to nerf all other classes until they get weak like Archer and Ata; It is a request to find a way to put these classes in their proper positions. If we check the Ranking... Atas don't even need to comment, and Archers, only two of them play PvP actively. Now on to the reasons for not being a Ranger today: 1- Exp? We have better Exp classes. (and that's fair, not a complaint); 2- PvP? You can be a Knight / Mech, do a lot more damage than any ranger, and still be one of the most tanker classes in the game; You can be a Pike / Fighter / Assassin, and have the ability to nullify a target effectively and quickly; 3- Siege War? You can be a Mage and literally destroy any class at the event; Or a Pris, and score very well while giving great support to your Clan; Or even a Shaman which is good for both PvP and Siege War. None of these points mentioned above is wrong! This is the fun part of the game, each class having its peculiarities and functions! But where are the Archers and Atas? They don't fit into anything there, because they are inferior to all other classes at all points in the game. This is a topic asking for minimal attention to the server's Rangers, but I will also leave a "global suggestion" for the case: -> Transform Rangers back into High Risk High Reward classes. If a Ranger is pure build and dies in 1 hit for anyone, it must have the highest damage in the game to make up for it. Thanks in advance, and Avante Wartale! =^---^=
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