I've been trying to install and play for a few hours now; but I find myself unable to get the game to open up. The launcher runs and installs; patches all the way to 5196, but then when it tries to open the game. All I get is a message saying "Failed loading the game."
I've tried turning off the Anti-Virus and I've done all the firewall exceptions possible, went as far as making it for each individual app. I checked if it was the fact that my files were in "Read-Only" but that didn't work either. I've tried these solutions seperately and together, but so far nothing's worked. Anyone have any ideas?
Someone mentioned a file that is likely removed by antiviruses, (Trojan:Win32/Azorult.AB!MTB) but the file doesn't seem to exist on my computer.
It has actually not been removed, the whole files are there and I've even removed alot of other things that might be stumbling my installation. I even turned off Windows Defender.
My system is a Windows 7, so alot of the solutions I've been receiving for Windows 10 don't exactly have the same OS to work on.
But the file you mention is not present on my drive, nor is it apparently being quarantined by any drive anywhere. Is there anywhere I could get it?