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1. Mgs 155: Babel relic, Mount vocalno ignis epic, vampire hat Items: - robe 140+24 - staff 134+23 - wand 138 sol vigor - phantom robe costume - 2 grace+0, levi belt free 2. Shaman 153,93%: Mount vocalno ignis, skeleton hopy, ghost hopy Items: - Setboss 1, amulet 138 bsol - set 140 bsol - phantom 142 bsol - 2 grace +0, levi belt +0 - phantom robe costume - spooky orb +22, spooky phantom +8 - Eliot Crown 3. FS 152: Mount HG (197 point HG), 100 vote point - Set 140 bsol - Armor 140+23 - Shield 140+24 - Axe 146+20 - Axe 142 sol vigor - 2 Triadic earring - Levi belt +2 Feel free and chose your favorite char and pm me offer
Relics: Babel Valento Mounts: Mount Class KS (Valorous Leeutaz) HG 1,2 and 3 (Orange, Green and purple) Snow Deer Helltusk Hydroid Giant (Sunken) Ethereal Steinkhor (Etherborn) ·30 mounts Minions: Santa Goblin Helper (100 Santas quest event) Costumes: Snowman Hat Conical Hat Vampire Hat Snow goggles Coal Black Others: Top 100 HG Ranking (Currently top 76) Rich Black Hair Face art 47kc or Trade for KS 161 or 162 naked. Pm me! I do not accept low lv + top nor othher classes, ty all!
FS 147 set boss 1 set 140 bsol axe 142 bsol 0-0 armor 144 bsol shield 144 bsol axe 146 bsol 0-0-0 lether belt + 3 pm offer 🙂
post here or pm level, itens and price!
S/T FS 146 73% 6.5kc or lower level + top (PRS/MS/ASS/PS)
Hello, and welcome! Honestly, there's almost no builds or guides for new or returning players on how to play any classes. So, in order to help new and old players come back to the game and keep it alive, drop your fighter build here! Let's keep FS alive! SWORD or AXE PvE or PvP Stats: Skills: Tips:
*142 axe fs +24 +15 strength 0-0-3 = 15kc *Spooky skin: 1h axe and spooky shield +10 2h axe +21 -sold = 2500c *138 axe +24 +15talent = 5kc or trade to 140 armor or shield ms +24 *140 sub gear bsol: Brace dnt / gaunt/boots drop near perf =5kc * 2 luci ring bsm ss/ms =600kk each Leave message here or pm me ingame burninnoise
I think fs atm has the worst area damage to use on pve. starting with rage of zecram - that skill has a short area and the damage of the secondary targets is half of the focus target... so isnt worth to use this at lvl 10... cyclone strike has small damage comparing to brandish or tornado from ks and ps, yes it can crit, but the damage when it crits is the same amount of brandish damage, so when it doesnt crit is just a weak damage. the only skill that has a good damage is flame vortex, but the fact that you become vulnerable make it hard to use in some situations, like in Luminous Cavern if you dont have lvl and great equips you just cant use FV whitout crying, i am 159 full 144 and is tought to survive in LC when i use that skill. So i sugest to give a buff on one of that skills or in all of them to make them more usefull, rage of zecram having a bigger area and the fire do the same damage on secondary enemys as it does on the primary target. Cyclone strike no criting but having a higher damage. Flame vortex having some damage reduction when is active, or something to help use it without die... Let me know what you guys think about that topic please! PS. other classes can even do a big area damage on pvp too. but i think fs would be too broken if he does too. so this is only for pve ?
Sell FS 151 70% Naked 9kc - Legendary Mount - Phoenix Pet - Caravan - Feather Tier 2,4,5 - Exp UP 15h - Gravity Stone - Winter Beard Additional Items to sell Gaunt 140 AS clean 1.1kc Gaunt 140 ASS clean 1.1kc Armor 114 150c Xmas Elf Shield+24 2kc Perum Axe+24 3.0kc
Sell FS 151 70% Naked 9kc - Legendary Mount - Phoenix Pet - Caravan - Feather Tier 2,4,5 - Exp UP 15h - Gravity Stone - Winter Beard Additional Items to sell Gaunt 140 AS clean 1.4kc Gaunt 140 ASS clean 1.4kc Armor 114 150c Xmas Elf Shield+24 2kc Perum Axe+24 3.5kc
Hey been wondering since the last patch update if anyone got the chance to try out, the new tonics ( fire one mostly) with fighters skill rework of fire attribute? Since it idealy should work with our Skills when it's changed to a fire source. Only concern is, that it would mean fighters will more or less be forced to get these tonics to get a 10% dmg increase (Allso dosent final dmg normally only work on single target skills? the two we have that is fire is AoE ? I dinnt test it out tho ) on the other hand the other changes to bersker and destroyer was nice, "still hopeing for some change in axe bases/age ? maybe a deffensive stat? increased block with age? ?" donno about hellion seems like a joke of a T5 skill even with the dmg increase ( cant really use em in SS since they just die to aoe, and its not ideal to run out spawn em, lure the mob enough away not to hit em with AoE)
Fs 140 91% 4kc naked 1 val fs bom 280kk 1 val ms bom 280kk Set 136 fs bsm 80kk each Axe 138 bsm 150kk Dgs mgs bom 280kk Kel mgs.bsm 280kk ---------------------- Ms 145 only full tanker Set boss 1 bom Set 136 bsm Armor.136+24 Shield 136+22 2x earring +2 Xmas knife 15kc ----------------------- Mg 139 only full 1 throne amulet bsm 2x val bsm 1 dgs bsm Set 136 bsol Robe 132+22 (prs spec) orb 132+22 mgs 2x earrings +2 Wand 138 bsol vigor 12kc full
S> AXE 138+24 FS M/B = 5,5KC A/W = 6,5KC
S> 152 FS semi or naked. (naked 14kc) ACTIVES: Gravity Stone: 127 hrs Caravan: 105 hrs EXP up: 70 hrs 3rd Eye: 70 hrs MOUNTS (7): Crystalline Aether Walker Snow Deer Hopy Cuckoo Rooster Helltusk Pokie Iron Charger ITEMS: 140+24 Armor dnt (9.5kc) 140+24 Shield drop (6kc) 140 Gaunt ns drop (1.5kc) Hell Boots BSOL dear perf (500c) (can be given for free with the account)
I am selling experience, Calculated every TRI. Any question? PM in fórum or message in topic. I am available to play from Monday to Friday Accept coins and gold. and some Account. I play 10-12hrs per day. Pay 50% of the combined amount so that I can start the service, and then pay the remaining 50% at the end of the service. 140 + - 144 = 200c per T with exp potion 144 + = 120c per T with exp potion Drops = full for me EXP POTION ON Services Completed : BoOoMeR(PRS) 144 = 25 TRI ATULA(SS) 156 = 5 TRI -ZEKE-(KS) 155 = 80 TRI Skyper(SS) 143 = 30 TRI Aroma(KS) 157 = 25 TRI oUAEo(KS) 153 = 11 TRI J.V.A (KS) 160 = 35 TRI +ShadowSin+(MS) 165 = 95 TRI ChernoLombra (MGS) 154 = 16 TRI ONGOING SERVICE : MISTERMARIO KS 162
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