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robe mg 144 + 24 dnt + 15 int = 16kc staff mg 142 + 24 dnt + 15 int=16kc orb mg 144 + 24 dnt = 13.5kc wand mg 138 + 24 dnt + 15 int= 8.5kc set boss 3 prs dnt bsolm= 8kc gaunt, brac and boots 140 bsolm drop = 700c each Armor ms 140+ 24 drop = 3.5kc shield ms 140+ 24 drop=3.5kc gaunt, brac and boots 140 bsolm drop = 700c each set boss 3 ms drop bsolm (amulet bsm)= 5kc xmas mace 1h + 22= 1.5kc
S> Axe 138 +24 Drop = 3kc S> Shield140 +24 FS = 3.3kc Message me if interested.
PS SOLD! I sell the items ITEMS: - Scythe 138 2h ps+ bsm #1 Drop / Status: -0-0 - Armor 132 ps+14 Drop / Status: -55 def , -0.2 abs - Shield 140 ps+ bsm #2 Drop / Status: -7 def , -0.1 abs , -0.4 block - Scythe 122 1h ps+ bbm Dex Drop / Status: -2-1 - Brace 136 ps+ bsm Dexterity - Gaunt 136 ps+ bsm Fortitude - Boots 136 ps+ bsm Velocity No have setboss Pm in game matbunny
PRS 157 mkv e bb (class mount) - 30kc wand 138 +24 dnt penta acqua PRS - 9kc set 140 PRS - 2.8kc set boss 3 drop PRS - 6kc orb 144 +24 drop PRS - 9kc NO TRADE
KS 159 20% NAKED NO RELIC, MOUNT: SNOW DEER, HELLISH HESTIAN, SNOWFLAKE UNICORN,… 40kc SW 142+24 DROP 12kc SW 138+24 DROP 4kc -> TRADE TO BOW DROP 138+24 AS SHIELD 140+24 DNT 6kc ARMOR 140+24 DROP 4kc BRAC 140 DROP BSOL 1kc GAUNT 140 DROP BSOL 1kc BOOTS 140 DROP BSOL 1.5kc SB3 DROP BSOL nice stat 5.5kc -> TOP 2kc = SB3 AS DNT 2x TRIADIC+1 KS nice stat 2kc -> TRADE TO 2x TRIADIC+1 AS SPOOKY SW 2H +24 1.5kc L-SW 2H +24 1kc L-SW 1H +14 0.7kc SB3 MS DNT (No amulet) 6.5kc THANKS FOR READ, PM ME
SELL AS NKD 156 81% w/ VALENTO RELIC - 19kc 2 legendary, 4 epic, 1 rare, 4 common mounts xD Golden Cuepy Costume AS +24 Phantom Armor Skin Luminous Bow Skin +24 Quantum Armor (lvl 140) AS +24 Lucifer Bow (lvl 138) AS +24 0-0-8 Imperialw Shield (lvl 140) AS +24 Astral Hand Crossbow (lvl 142) AS +24 0-0-6 Hell boots AS Sol Velocity Mix Hell gauntlets AS Sol Vitality Mix Hell bracelets AS Sol Dexterity Mix Throne Sheltom AS Sol Vigor Mix Lucifer Ring AS Sapphire Efficiency Mix #2 Valento Ring AS Sapphire Efficiency Mix #2 Tulla Amulet AS Sapphire Efficiency Mix #2 Triadic Earrings AS x2
heey, i am looking for 120+ items for mech mix or clean or aged does not matter.
- mechanician
- 12x
(and 1 more)
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Or just sticking with affordable 136+ items maxed out? Cause farming for KC's will take months if not years of playtime., unless people pay with real money. Let me hear your way of investments ?
1Blacksmith Belly 2Blacksmith Roge 3Magic Store, 5th Branch Are npcs that sell T8 T9 Items but you only unlock if you are a lvl 105(Battle Town) Consider put a them on Eura (LVL 90)
Items available Deadly Axe +22 inferno Shield +13 Guardian Gaun sapp mix FS Hell brac Sol mix FS DGS sapp mix FS
S> .Candy Jav +12 200kk .Candy Jav +24 1kc or 900kk .skin SHIELD 136+12 185kk- 210c .skin sw 116+21 450c - 390kk .Skin sw 134+21 600c -550kk .Skin Wyvern sword+11 200c-150kk .Skin Wyvern sword +9 150kk -200c .skin Wyvern sword+21 250kk -300c .Skin Diamond Axe +23 299kk 350c .toy pick Axe +11 90kk 120c .Candy Phantom +18 200c- 150kk .Candy Phantom +21 250c - 190kk .Candy sword +13 200c-165kk .Candy sw clean 125c- 99kk .Dark gia armor male 55c - 40kk .Perum robe male 500c-400kk .Phantom armor skin 1,4k or 2gb+250kk .servant costume male armor 250c-200kk .Black suit male armor 190c - 145kk .Lunar costume as 170kk -210c .Cygnus robe prs and armor ks 499kk or 550c Items: .Drácula +20 ata 300c - 250kk .soccer suit Holland ps spec 450kk-550c .guants hell bsol fs nice 1gb-550c Nick un Game: (peace.for.animals) All items not IS mine.. i only post prices tell me my friend. I acept gold or relative prices in Coins . I No reply in coments troll.
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