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S> PRIS 158 24KC NAKED staff 142 dnt +24+15 robe 144 +24 near perf -0,1 orb 144 +24 dnt wand 138 +24 boots 140 greedy gaunts hell bracelet triadic +2 triadic +2 guide amulet +2 throne shelton throne ring (2) Sucubbus +24 bracelet 106 dnt 86 KC FULL PM in Game: [SN]SamuraPK
PRS 157 mkv e bb (class mount) - 30kc wand 138 +24 dnt penta acqua PRS - 9kc set 140 PRS - 2.8kc set boss 3 drop PRS - 6kc orb 144 +24 drop PRS - 9kc NO TRADE
ITENS: 1= 75kk/87c 2= 120kk/145c 3= 35kk/40c 4= 35kk/40c 5= 120kk/145c 6= 35kk/40c 7= 150kk/182c 8= 30kk/35c 9= 30kk/35c 10= 25kk/30c 11= 100kk/115c CONSUMABLES: Pumpkin hat = 10kk/ea ( 50 more = 9kk/ea) SACRED STAR = 7kk/ea (100+ 6.7kk/ea) Wicth Hat = 3kk/ea (100+ 2kk/ea) SELL GB FOR 580c
robe 140+24 donate prs orb 140+24 donate prs wand 138+24 donate prs staff 134+24 donate prs set 140 prs bsol drop near perf bracelet 106 bsol donate prs trone amulet prs clean 2x trone ring drop clean trone shelton bsol 4-4 drop m/b naked 70kc a/w full 95kc
Boots 140 prs BSOL / def 343 abs 32.9 speed 12 2kc Gaunt 140 prs BSOL / def 569 abs 30 2kc
Hi Guys I'm selling some itens PRS spec, pm if need! Staff 142+24 - 35 kcoin SOLD Robe 144+24 - 28 kcoin SOLD Wand 138+24 DNT - 10.5 kcoin SOLD Orb 140+24 good status 9 kcoin SOLD 2x T Ring Sol mix DNT = 2.2 kc each (4.4kc) SOLD T amulets sol mix drop = 1.3 kcoin SOLD Sol shelton DNT + T shelton drop = 1kcoin SOLD Boots 140 sol mix 2.8 kcoin SOLD Gloves 140 sol mix - 2.8 kcoin Brac 140 sol mix - 2.5 kcoin
S> Corrupted Staff +6 PRS + / Elegant School Uniform +18 FS+ comment for price preço a discutir
- corrupetd staff
- elegant
- (and 16 more)
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