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  1. Past hour
  2. Only2Hit

    I show my tottal price ! 168 MG 0% 250kc IF NKD NO RELIC! RELIC: BB: 1.5KC VAL: 3KC DGS: 9KC MKV: 10KC KEL: 20KC FURY: 30KC FALLEN: 45KC TULLA: 25KC GREEDY: 35KC DRAXOS: 80KC CENTLON: 130KC CHAR PRICE IF U BUY 11/12 RELIC 168 = 638.5KC + MG AND AS MONUNT ! AND I SELL ONLY 475KC
  3. RaffauM-Up

    I buy
  4. kina1238

  5. Today
  6. Noe2015

    S> ITENS MG ROBE 144+24 +15 health DNT 10.5kc ORB 144 +24 DNT 9.5kc WAND 138+24+15 spirit DNT 8kc STAFF 146+24+15 spirit DNT 37kc
  7. leo2105

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the server and just discovered this tool, but the program that was shared on this forum is not replacing the items. I couldn't find any information about whether its use has been prohibited or not, and I can't download the pre-made file because it's offline. Can anyone help me with an updated link to the most important ones? Or tell me if I'm doing something wrong with the program? I open the program Select the image folder ("<Wartale client>\image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem") Save file Test
  8. sacermulinha

  9. Tarble

    Tenho 7kc e uma mula 134, aceita ? 🥺
  10. Czorny95pl

    25 Have 3 relikt babel valento mokowa
  11. Noe2015

  12. ZarakiKennpachi

    700c pm in game -hellfire-
  13. Palyn

  14. Palyn

  15. Tuzao

  16. rshox

  17. Silvaoborges

    Trade Ks 154 50% Bb/Val Ignis Mount, Hg Mount + Top For ks 158+
  18. duckosv

    Set 132 mix shap robe 140 bsm ph 138 bsm obirtal 128+16 aneis 12x mix
  19. duckosv

    Set 132 mix shap robe 140 bsm ph 138 bsm obirtal 128+16 aneis 12x mix
  20. riontuan

    MS 153 91% = 7.5kc
  21. riontuan

  22. Alunbrozyen

    kkk eu sou de 2011, mas só acompanho mesmo, parei faz anos e anos.
  23. mabuhaypk

    Disponível ? O que vai nela ? Tem relíquia ?
  24. Real UAE

    Hi akara, welcome to wartale brother, Knight class does not need to add any health stats for him just put the stats for requirements items and the rest put in STR welcome again 🩵
  25. sansiro

    Stat follow item requip and max streng
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