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Change the table of Pvp exp.

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first things first : pvp exp curbe shouldn't be linear imho

lets add levels or "ranks" with defined amounts of exp to reach each rank

+1 to this


My suggestion is add the "Ranks" in gaining exp like. if player Rank is "Hero" then the player who killed that rank will get a exp multiply the something equivalent to that rank


Let's say is 80 x 4(since Hero is highest pvp rank) but if a player dies like a "Hero" killed a "Rookie" then let' say static deduction is 30 / 4 then the answer is the minus in pvp xp.. i hope you unerstand what i was trying to say :D


exp he get from difference in level is

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yes, but a hero shouldnt lose too much exp if he gets killed by a rookie, because sometimes low levels hunt higher levels in groups and that's annoying

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about the PVP XP Formula

i didnt see the part of xp penalty casue by death(at least i didnt see)

and the topic starter is mainly talking about that


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yes, but a hero shouldnt lose too much exp if he gets killed by a rookie, because sometimes low levels hunt higher levels in groups and that's annoying


ohh ok ok..hmm..maybe lets curve a little.. but i wanna see that experience changed ;)

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As far as I know its kinda ok now xD, when you get killed by someone much higher then yourself you don't lose or barely lose XP, if you kill an higher lvl you get alot xp, kill lower you get lower amount of xp, so what? xD


Just go pvp ppl around your lvl

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As far as I know its kinda ok now xD, when you get killed by someone much higher then yourself you don't lose or barely lose XP, if you kill an higher lvl you get alot xp, kill lower you get lower amount of xp, so what? xD


Just go pvp ppl around your lvl


You saw what happened when I was at BC with you. Lagging mech + 2 pike = dead 13x :D


You can't choose who you want to pvp, they just gang bang you. And with class skills the way they are, a 11x pike can kill a 13x archer. So, yeah, it's kinda screwed up :P

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yeah but thats an abs etc issue, nothing with exp tough xD archers just die too fast D:,

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yeah but thats an abs etc issue, nothing with exp tough xD archers just die too fast D:,


I think having a rank system is fine though, and the PvP exp system is still too biased towards low levels. I enter a siege war and usually exit one with more than -300 exp

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becouse you die alot :/, tough decreasing the amount of xp lost when beïng killed would be nice

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TripleR's PvP EXP Formula




  • If you kill someone 15 levels higher than you, you get 100 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 10 levels higher than you, you get 90 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 5 levels higher than you, you get 70 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 2 levels higher than you, you get 55 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 1 level lower than you, you get 50 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 3 levels lower than you, you get 45 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 5 levels lower than you, you get 40 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 10 levels lower than you, you get 30 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 15 levels lower than you, you get 10 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 20 levels lower than you, you get 3 EXP.
  • If you kill someone 21+ levels lower than you, you get 1 EXP.


  • If you are a mage and you kill a priestess, you get +10% EXP than usual.
  • If you are a mage and you kill any other class, you get +50% EXP than usual.
  • If you are a priestess and you kill a mage, you get +10% EXP than usual.
  • If you are a priestess and you kill any other class, you get +50% EXP than usual.
  • If you are a pikeman and you kill any other class (not pikeman), you get -10% EXP than usual because you have insane 1-shotting ability.
  • If you are NOT a mage, priestess or archer and you kill a mage, priestess or archer, you get -30% EXP than usual because they are weak tankers.




int PvPServer::CalculateExperience( User * pcKiller, int iKillerLevel, ECharacterClass iKillerClass, User * pcVictim, int iVictimLevel, ECharacterClass iVictimClass )
if( (pcKiller == NULL) || (pcVictim == NULL) )
	return 0;

int iRet = 0; //The final EXP

//Difference in Level of Victim - Killer
int iLevelDifference = iVictimLevel - iKillerLevel;

//Calculate amount of base EXP for this level difference
if( iLevelDifference >= 15 )
	iRet = 100;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 10 )
	iRet = 90;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 5 )
	iRet = 70;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 2 )
	iRet = 55;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -1 )
	iRet = 50;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -3 )
	iRet = 45;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -5 )
	iRet = 40;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -10 )
	iRet = 30;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -15 )
	iRet = 10;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -20 )
	iRet = 3;
	iRet = 1;

//Apply class based adjustments to the amount of EXP
if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
	if( iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
		//+10% on Priestess kill
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.10);
	else if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
		//+50% on other kills
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.50);
else if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
	if( iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
		//+10% on Magician kill
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.10);
	else if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
		//+50% on other kills
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.50);
else if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Pikeman )
	if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Pikeman )
		//-10% EXP if you're a pike and you kill other than pikes
		iRet -= int(iRet * 0.10);
else if( iKillerClass != iVictimClass )
	if( (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician) || (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess) || (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Archer) )
		//-30% on Magician, Priestess or Archer kill
		iRet -= int(iRet * 0.30);

//Now check if the previous kill of the killer was the same victim, if so, reduce 50%
//However if the killer has died from a PvP kill then it won't count, thats why Victim LastKill becomes NULL
if( pcKiller->lPreviousKillID == pcVictim->GetID() )
	iRet >>= 1;

//If the killer is in the same clan as the victim, we reduce the EXP with 50%
if( (pcKiller->GetClanID() != 0) && (pcKiller->GetClanID() != pcVictim->GetClanID()) )
	iRet >>= 1;

pcKiller->lPreviousKillID = pcVictim->GetID();
pcVictim->lPreviousKillID = 0;

return iRet;

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Erm... no


This should work like mobs xp. Each lvl have a certain amount of xp. You kill chars in a certain range from your lvl you get that xp. Higher people give you a bonus, lower take some of that xp as penalty

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TripleR's PvP EXP Formula


  • If you are a pikeman and you kill any other class (not pikeman), you get -10% EXP than usual because you have insane 1-shotting ability.




int PvPServer::CalculateExperience( User * pcKiller, int iKillerLevel, ECharacterClass iKillerClass, User * pcVictim, int iVictimLevel, ECharacterClass iVictimClass )
if( (pcKiller == NULL) || (pcVictim == NULL) )
	return 0;

int iRet = 0; //The final EXP

//Difference in Level of Victim - Killer
int iLevelDifference = iVictimLevel - iKillerLevel;

//Calculate amount of base EXP for this level difference
if( iLevelDifference >= 15 )
	iRet = 100;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 10 )
	iRet = 90;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 5 )
	iRet = 70;
else if( iLevelDifference >= 2 )
	iRet = 55;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -1 )
	iRet = 50;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -3 )
	iRet = 45;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -5 )
	iRet = 40;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -10 )
	iRet = 30;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -15 )
	iRet = 10;
else if( iLevelDifference >= -20 )
	iRet = 3;
	iRet = 1;

//Apply class based adjustments to the amount of EXP
if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
	if( iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
		//+10% on Priestess kill
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.10);
	else if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
		//+50% on other kills
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.50);
else if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
	if( iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician )
		//+10% on Magician kill
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.10);
	else if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess )
		//+50% on other kills
		iRet += int(iRet * 0.50);
else if( iKillerClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Pikeman )
	if( iVictimClass != CHARACTERCLASS_Pikeman )
		//-10% EXP if you're a pike and you kill other than pikes
		iRet -= int(iRet * 0.10);
else if( iKillerClass != iVictimClass )
	if( (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Magician) || (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Priestess) || (iVictimClass == CHARACTERCLASS_Archer) )
		//-30% on Magician, Priestess or Archer kill
		iRet -= int(iRet * 0.30);

//Now check if the previous kill of the killer was the same victim, if so, reduce 50%
//However if the killer has died from a PvP kill then it won't count, thats why Victim LastKill becomes NULL
if( pcKiller->lPreviousKillID == pcVictim->GetID() )
	iRet >>= 1;

//If the killer is in the same clan as the victim, we reduce the EXP with 50%
if( (pcKiller->GetClanID() != 0) && (pcKiller->GetClanID() != pcVictim->GetClanID()) )
	iRet >>= 1;

pcKiller->lPreviousKillID = pcVictim->GetID();
pcVictim->lPreviousKillID = 0;

return iRet;


yes please, I would actually suggest a bigger nerf, because out of all the pikes you see at BC, none of them actually PvP. All they do is hit and run back to flags. I got one shotted by a 10x pike on a 13x archer, something there is seriously wrong, being able to one shot someone around 25-30 lvls higher than you is broken.

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These numbers are valid for when you die also?




- When you die for a person 15 Levels lower than you: you lose 100 EXP

- When you die for a person 10 Levels lower than you: you lose 90 EXP

- When you die for a person 5 Levels lower than you: you lose 70 EXP

- and etc



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These numbers are valid for when you die also?




- When you die for a person 15 Levels lower than you: you lose 100 EXP

- When you die for a person 10 Levels lower than you: you lose 90 EXP

- When you die for a person 5 Levels lower than you: you lose 70 EXP

- and etc




Yeah, that's pretty much how it is at the moment. The difference is that now you can kill them and get more EXP than you did before.


# If you kill someone 5 levels lower than you, you get 40 EXP.

# If you kill someone 10 levels lower than you, you get 30 EXP.

# If you kill someone 15 levels lower than you, you get 10 EXP.


How it is at the moment:


# If you kill someone 3 levels lower than you, you get 45 EXP.

# If you kill someone 7 levels lower than you, you get 20 EXP.

# If you kill someone 15 levels lower than you, you get 5 EXP.

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Levels should make a bigger impact considering lower levels are going to want to go around gang banging higher levels. Its cheap, [since any good 11x-12x set can destroy just about anyone, in short gear > level], good exp for them, and destroys the records of higher level players.


I think in the formula there is already something that takes a bit of this into account, but it is not enough. I remember I definitely felt the impact on retail when I PvPed when BC first came out, a high 8x could tank several 7x. Regardless if pikeman is a PvP specialist, its ridiculous it should one shot any class 25 levels above it. Anyone can make a 10x/11x pike within a few days. The investments in the two chars are worlds apart in terms of time.


Difference in levels should be penalized, I know it rewards no-lifers a bit more, but this should be one more reason you should grind. Grinding to still get one shotted isn't fair, what was the point when nothing changed?


For each level you are below your opponent, you should have a reduction of 2-2.5 damage, In short, you get - (opponent level - your level * 2.5). An if statement or something should prevent this from going above 0 [so attacking a lower level doesn't give you a damage boost]



A level 110 pikeman takes on a level 130 pikeman. The level 110 will have his damage reduced by 20 * 2.5 = 50 damage.


The 2.5 is just a theoretical number, it can be changed.


But I think something like that with an abs boost would fix a lot of the PvP problems. I don't think it'll prevent pikeman from one shotting people around their level, but at the very least, weak classes can be somewhat protected if they out level other classes [when you take into consideration the abs boost as well]. It would help prevent 13x archers from dropping to a mere high 10x/low 11x pike.

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this thread wasnt about changing abs or damage right?


This was about changing the pvp xp system


And right now it sucks


Today i got killed 10 times, and made 70 BP ( 7 to 1 ratio )


You would say i should have alot more pvp xp now right?


well no


Actually i got -30 less then when i started.....


Just throwing it out there, this system needs improvement!

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Today's Siege War, I killed 68, and died 1.

And I got 400 Exp only. WTF ? 5 XP / kill and -80 XP / death. That's so lame imo.

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Today's Siege War, I killed 68, and died 1.

And I got 400 Exp only. WTF ? 5 XP / kill and -80 XP / death. That's so lame imo.


I think my formula would fix that because you would get more EXP for your kills.

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I think your formula is pretty much like the same and the bonus/penalties for few classes sucks

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I think your formula is pretty much like the same and the bonus/penalties for few classes sucks


Yeah the bonus/penalties do suck.


But that's because the game is not balanced. If it was, we could just remove those.

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There's no drop or xp bonus, there should be no PvP bonus or penalty aswell

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There's no drop or xp bonus


Which is exactly why everyone is always crying for balance.

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