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    Level 85 - The Prison Key





    • (2 bil, 2.000 mil) EXP

    The Atlantis Prison Guard needs your help, visit him in Atlantis Town, near the prison.

    He has lost his very important Prison Key yesterday when he visited his old friend Item Collector, but he doesn't know how, it was just gone when he returned back home.

    He started looking for it himself, but while he was looking for it, he accidently dropped his glasses and they broke.

    So he need some help with finding the Prison Key, since he can barely see anything himself at the monent.




    2_prisonkey.pngThe Prison Key is somewhere in Atlantis Town.
    If you cannot find it, head back to the Atlantis Prison Guardto start over.


    Once you have found it, then return back to the Atlantis Prison Guard.

    For helping him he will give you EXP as reward.

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